We offer Archetypal Consulting to a wide range of practicioners in a variety of professions:
Archetypal Consulting for Consultants
Consulting with Health Care Professionals: Naturopaths, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, LMTs and Somatic Practitioners
Setting Up A New Practice for Health Care Professionals
Archetypal Branding for Advertising Professionals
Archetypal Consulting for Coaches
Archetypal Consulting for Creatives: Artists / Writers / Photographers / Filmmakers
Archetypal Consulting for Psychotherapists
Consulting for Consultants:
- Looking at the underlying archetypal principles your clients are struggling with, naming the archetypal drama that is constellated
- Looking at how the archetypal alignments unfold, beginning with the first contact made, knowing that there is an informational field unfolding
- Looking at the archetypal informational field that is present in your case
- Looking at the initial conditions and the trajectory set in motion originally
- Creating archetypal interventions that create a fulcrum on the whole system
- Learning your own unconscious patterns
Consulting with Health Care Professionals: Naturopaths, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, LMTs and Somatic Practitioners
- Looking at specific cases that you are finding difficult and why this kind of case is difficult for you
- Looking at your own patterning - what cases are difficult?
- Learning why some patient's get to you and others don't
- Enrolling and keeping the patient in a collaborative relationship in their medical treatment
- Helping you to identify and shift archetypal patterns that interfere with your patients' ability to follow through with your medical instructions
- Finding a new entry point to work with difficult cases
- Learning how to listen for unconscious communication from clients and how this relates to their presenting symptoms and their relationship with you
- Looking at somatic symptoms as an expression of an archetypal pattern
- Learning about how the conscious and unconscious mind influences medical symptoms
- Working with the defenses of the conscious system and accessing the deep unconscious wisdom of the psyche for the healing process
- Learning to archetypally intervene on the somatic process
Testimonial: "As I get to know my own patterns better, my ability to intuit my patient's patterns seems to really deepen! I feel a new confidence building.."
Setting Up A New Practice for Health Care Professionals
- Setting up a practice that is archetypally congruent
- Setting up the business aspect of your practice to make it congruent with healing and with the mandate of your profession's archetype
- Structuring your practice so that clients understand the nature and importance of a healing relationship as a vehicle for change
Archetypal Branding for Advertising Professionals
- Gaining a deeper understanding of archetypes, and how symbols and images carry embedded information
- Learning how to heighten the impact of an image
- Learning the importance of an archetypal informational field in working with images
- Learning to identify the archetypal expression of an image
- Interpreting an image objectively as the true expression of the archetype
- Finding your client's underlying archetype and related image(s)
- Learning the application of both narrative and visual images
Archetypal Consulting for Coaches
- Finding a new way of viewing and understanding difficult clients
- Wondering why a client quit unexpectedly or prematurely? How to keep that from happening in the future
- Learning how to help clients stay engaged in the therapeutic process when they come to stuck points and want to leave prematurely. How to move them beyond "I want to take a break"
- Getting to the depth that you want in your work. Feel bored, like something is missing in your work?
- Understanding why some clients affect you adversely
- Learning how to proceed when there is no movement or progress being made by the client
- Setting up a new practice that is archetypally congruent
- Shifting your practice to include Archetypal Pattern Analysis
- Learning how to work with unconscious communication and images in dreams and narratives
- Learning how to work with transference and countertransference issues archetypally
Archetypal Consulting for Creatives: Artists / Writers / Photographers / Filmmakers
- Deepening your work to an archetypal level of communication
- Looking at the themes of your current work from an archetypal perspective
- Begin the process of archetypally researching those themes and being mentored in their own underlying psychology
- Editing for archetypal coherence in the many arts such as: movies, writing, photography, collage
- Working with the archetypal power of communication through an image
Archetypal Consulting for Psychotherapists
- Finding a new way of viewing and understanding difficult clients
- Wondering why a client quit unexpectedly or prematurely? How to keep that from happening in the future
- Learning how to help clients stay engaged in the therapeutic process when they come to stuck points and want to leave prematurely. How to move them beyond "I want to take a break"
- Getting to the depth that you want in your work. Feel bored, like something is missing in your work
- Understanding why some clients affect you adversely
- Learning how to proceed when there is no movement or progress being made by the client
- Setting up a new practice that is archetypally congruent
- Shifting your practice to include Archetypal Pattern Analysis
- Learning how to work with unconscious communication and images in dreams and narratives
- Learning how to work with transference and countertransference issues archetypally