The Treasure Within leads us along an archetypal developmental map to your authentic, natural self, integrating your innate value and worth, your true authority and to attaining your 'Treasure Within'.
The authors use Erich Neumann’s Archetypal Developmental Theory of consciousness and the application of Archetypal Pattern Analysis to light the way for exploring your archetypal alignments, the patterns that these have created in your life and how to shift these patterns into a new, more generative way of being. Re-integrating the aspects of self left behind during your early life, allows a shift that can lead into the later stages of adult development, bringing forth your rich potential and 'Gaining the Treasure' of your soul, its many gifts and true purpose in life.
Seasoned therapists Diane Steinbrecher and Shannon Pernetti offer this well-written, carefully structured, creatively illustrated guide as a “treasure” map to the unfolding of your infinite potential. With The Treasure Within, they build on the work of titans in the field of psychology, psychotherapy, and systems theory—such as Carl Jung, Erich Neumann, Michael Conforti, and others—and add to the growing understanding of archetypal dynamics at play in the world. Clinicians as well as interested laypersons will come away from reading this book with insights into how to attain and richly experience the Treasure of Life and expression of the numerous gifts we all contribute to humanity.
This book begins with the foundational theories of Archetypal Pattern Analysis: archetypes, archetypal alignments, field theory, and patterns. It then leads into Erich Neumann’s Archetypal Developmental Theory of the unconscious, including examples of how this is applied in our life and work, through integrating unconscious patterns. The book also looks at different aspects of unconscious communication including dreams, images, narrative stories and synchronicities along with how the wisdom of the body expresses our belief systems and patterns and can present through disease processes. The book then includes the specific capacities and perspectives of each developmental stage of both researched adult development and Neumann’s archetypal development map of the unconscious.
This work also includes contributions from somatic work, the New Sciences (of complexity theory, systems theory, chaos theory), epigenetics and neurobiology, patterns in nature, and the spiritual wisdom traditions of the world, to name a few of the contributors.The Treasure Within was a 2019 Indie Book Awards Finalist, and a Pinnacle Book Achievement Award winner in the Psychology category.
"For all of those clinicians and interested laypersons seeking to understand the relevance and workings of archetypes in our personal life, this book is an important contribution to your library, as it provides a readable and understandable approach to archetypal dynamics. So too, this work helps us to better understand the intricacies of Neumann's and Jung's work on archetypal dynamics and to find ways to bring the richness of the life of spirit and soul into your life, this is an important work."
-----Michael Conforti, PhD. Founder of Archetypal Pattern Analysis and Founder and Director of Assisi Institute: The International Center for the Study of Archetypal Patterns.
"In The Treasure Within: An Archetypal Unfolding to Your Infinite Potential, seasoned therapists Diane Steinbrecher and Shannon Pernetti accomplish a near impossible feat. They integrate their lifetimes of exploration and expertise in systems theory, Archetypal Pattern Analysis, somatic and emotional awareness, attachment theory, spiritual and religious studies and many other disciplines into a coherent and masterful synthesis."
------Gerry Brown, PhD. International Consultant, Individual and Institutional Development practitioner and student of Archetypal Pattern Analysis.
"I am so impressed by this fine book! I find it very readable and well written. I also find it beautifully and carefully structured."
-----Susan Paidhrin, PhD. Spiritual Director, Archetypal Astrologer and student in our: Archetypal Pattern Analysis study group.
"The authors, Diane Steinbrecher and Shannon Pernetti, two of the foremost therapists in the field, also bring the wisdom of many years of clinical practice. Written for the general reader interested in personal growth and spiritual development, this work is also of interest to clinicians and students of Jungian psychology."
------Kent Layden, MA, Organizational Development and Strategic Planning Consultant, University Professor and Mediator