Archetypal Pattern Analysis is a field of study and application developed by Michael Conforti Ph.D., Jungian Analyst, over the last 27 years. Holding a collaborative field for professional domains as diverse as physics and the cinematic arts, psychotherapy to biology, Dr. Conforti has built an arena that includes a current ‘meeting of the minds' on patterns in the human psyche and in systems: the formation, manifestation, unfolding and intervention, and, the archetypal reality of underlying forces that shape and organize life and its mysteries.
Just as patterns emerge in the natural world, the psyche emerges with preformed patterns. C J Jung speaks of the importance of the Self and the archetypal realm as the central force in shaping life experience. Similar to the wisdom of ancient traditions and of the New Sciences (Quantum, Chaos and Complexity Theory), Jung observed the existence of influences that far exceed our ordinary ego consciousness; an objective psyche which organizes life and its mysteries.
Through the lens of living systems in nature, we are shown the way systems establish themselves and the way they can be generatively changed. Archetypal Pattern Analysis works with the deep unconscious wisdom and archetypal fields of energy to create a container of alchemical change for any system.
Archetypal Pattern Analysis investigates what the psyche is attempting to express through the patterns that are manifesting, what archetypal fields these patterns favor, and how to archetypally impact the system, creating and mentoring new pathways into the system's highest potential.
The Application of Archetypal Pattern Analysis
Because of the universality of archetypal wisdom, Archetypal Pattern Analysis is applied across multidisciplinary fields, including psychotherapy, cinema, bodywork, consultation in business, diplomacy, healthcare systems to name a few. Here are some of the ways it has been applied.
Cinema: Many films now have an Archetypal Cinematic Consultant that helps the story achieve archetypal congruence. These are the movies that tend to live on in our memory and have success at the box office, as they embody universal truth.
Bodywork: The patterns that people embody are congruent in all systems of their life. How they hold themselves and walk, their body structure; its strengths and weaknesses will be congruent with the behavioral patterns they express in all areas of their life. Changing patterns in the body affects a person's ability to change repetitive patterns in their relationship to self and others.
Business: Applying Archetypal Pattern Analysis as a managers enables them to work with their most difficult employees in an effective and easy manner.
Advertising: Finding the underlying archetype helps a company market themselves in a way that expresses their company's product in a way of wisdom and attracts people to them. This is what branding stems from and why branding has become so popular in advertising and the corporate world.
Law: Judges write their judgements to include the archetypal underpinnings of the case, which has kept appeals at a minimum.
The Arts: Fine artists, choreographers, fiction writers all have used Archetypal Pattern Analysis to more deeply communicate their vision to their patrons. The emphasis on the archetypal properties of an image are a foundational piece of the training.
Health care: Looking at what illnesses in the body are attempting to express archetypally, impacting the system from that perspective has cleared diseases that medical doctors have deemed impossible to heal.
Psychotherapy: moves people to a deep level of relationship to the Self. Archetypal Pattern Analysis doesn't look at patterns in terms of disorders or diagnostic codes, but in terms of what the pattern is attempting to express as part of a coherent whole. It immediately involves you in looking at the mystery of your own unconscious behavior and suggests new ways of aligning to be able to have the life you are wanting to have. A psychotherapist must question their own patterns and work their own shadow material to learn to apply the work.